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Extra Discovery

Prerequisite: Discovery class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional discovery. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this discovery.

Special: You can gain Extra Discovery multiple times, gaining an additional discovery each time.

Vaporized Formulae

Prerequisite: Alchemy sphere ((formulae) package).

Benefit: You can increase the Craft DC of a formulae by 10 to turn the formulae from a liquid to a gaseous state. A vaporized formulae that would require a Reflex save instead requires a Fortitude save, otherwise functioning as the original formulae. A formulae talent that can only be used on a single target (such as Panacea and Salve) can also be vaporized, allowing it to be thrown as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. Creatures within a 5-foot radius burst of the point of contact gain the benefits of the chosen formulae.

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