At 2nd level, and then again every 2 levels thereafter, an alchemist makes an incredible alchemical discovery. Unless otherwise noted, an alchemist cannot select an individual discovery more than once. Some discoveries can only be made if the alchemist has met certain prerequisites first, such as uncovering other discoveries. The DC of any saving throw called for by a discovery is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist's level + the alchemist's Intelligence modifier.
Alchemical Knowledge: The alchemist gains a talent from the Alchemy sphere. This discovery may be taken multiple times, gaining a new talent from the Alchemy sphere each time.
Alchemical Simulacrum (requires 8th level): The alchemist gains the ability to create a lesser simulacrum. This works like the lesser simulacrum spell, except it costs 100 gp in alchemical materials per Hit Die of the simulacrum, requires 24 hours to grow, and decays into inert flesh rather than ice or snow if killed. The created simulacrum is a creature, not a supernatural effect.
Doppelganger Simulacrum (requires 10th level): The alchemist learns how to create a simulacrum, a soulless duplicate, into which he can project his consciousness. As a full-round action, he may shift his consciousness from his current body to any one of his available doppelganger simulacra, which must be on the same plane as the alchemist. If killed in a simulacrum, he transfers to his own body automatically; if killed in his own body, he is dead. Unused simulacra (including his abandoned original body) appear to be lifeless corpses, though they do not decay. Creating a duplicate costs 1,000 gp in alchemical materials and requires 1 week to grow. An alchemist must have the alchemical simulacrum discovery before selecting this discovery. The created simulacrum is a creature, not a supernatural effect.
Greater Alchemical Simulacrum (requires 14th level): The alchemist gains the ability to create a simulacrum. This works like the simulacrum spell, except it costs 100 gp in alchemical materials per Hit Die of the simulacrum, requires 24 hours to grow, and decays into inert flesh rather than ice or snow if killed. An alchemist must have the alchemical simulacrum discovery before selecting this discovery. The created simulacrum is a creature, not a supernatural effect.
Alchemical Trapsmith: The alchemist adds 1/2 his alchemist level on Perception checks made to locate traps and on Disable Device checks. The alchemist can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. As a full-round action, the alchemist can make a ranged touch attack against a trap using an alchemist’s fire or acid, using the trap’s Disable Device DC as its AC. If the attack misses, the trap activates. If the attack hits, the trap is deactivated. The alchemist must both know the location of the trap and be able to reach the trap’s trigger with a ranged touch attack in order to use this ability
Alchemical Zombie (requires 8th level): The alchemist gains the ability to animate a relatively complete corpse as an alchemy-powered zombie. This process takes 1 hour and costs 100gp in alchemical reagents per HD of the corpse being animated; the dead creature gains the zombie template. Zombies that are created in this manner count as undead created by animate dead for the purposes of determining how many undead the alchemist can control. The created zombie is a creature, not a supernatural effect. The alchemist also gains the Command Undead feat, although he can only use it against undead he has created, spending 1 point of quintessence to use this feat rather than a use of channel negative energy as well as treating his alchemist level as though it was his cleric level and using his Intelligence modifier rather than his Charisma modifier to determine its effects and DC.
Chameleon: An alchemist with this discovery can shift the colors of his skin and equipment to blend in with the surrounding terrain. He gains a +4 enhancement bonus on Stealth checks. At 10th level, the bonus on Stealth checks increases to +8.
Elixer of Life (requires 16th level): The alchemist can brew an elixir of life. This special concoction costs 20,000gp to create and takes 1 hour of work. An elixir of life, when administered by the alchemist who brewed it, restores life to a dead creature as per the spell true resurrection. Alternatively, the alchemist himself may drink the elixir of life, after which point he is immediately targeted with a resurrection spell the next time he is killed. Used in this manner, the elixir lasts indefinitely, although an alchemist cannot benefit from more than one elixir of life at the same time.
Expert’s Insight (requires 10th level): The alchemist chooses a number of skills equal to his Intelligence modifier. He may take 10 on these skills, even when stress or other circumstances would normally prevent him from doing so. This discovery may be selected multiple times, choosing additional skills each time.
Explosive Jump: As a swift action, the alchemist can use excess chemicals to lift himself up to 10 feet vertically, dealing splash damage to all adjacent spaces. He can combine this with a move action if he wishes and can end his movement in the air. If he does, at the beginning of his next round, he must spend an additional swift action to maintain altitude, otherwise he drops to the ground (the alchemist does not take falling damage when using this ability). This ability cannot raise the alchemist’s altitude higher than the amount of height he would gain with this ability. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, the alchemist increases the amount of height he gains from this ability by 10 feet.
Inhaled Extract (requires 8th level): The alchemist can store his extracts inside of atomizers, allowing him to spray them at himself or an adjacent ally. The target is considered the imbiber, as if they had drank an extract prepared with the infusion discovery. As the contents of an atomizer are inhaled, the target must be able to breathe. Atomized extracts are considered extracts for purposes of other abilities. In addition, the alchemist can also create an inhaled version of an extract that is shared among multiple creatures instead of one that is imbibed. He must decide that an extract is an inhaled extract when he makes it. When used, the extract grants its benefit to all creatures within a 10-foot spread of the extract. An inhaled extract expends one of the alchemist’s daily extracts as if it were an extract 1 level higher. This discovery can be applied only to extracts with a range of touch.
Preserved Organs: When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the alchemist, there is a 25% chance that it is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. In addition, the alchemist treats his Constitution as 10 points higher than normal for the purpose of determining when hit point damage kills them. An alchemist can take this discovery up to three times; the effects stack, increasing this chance to 50% and then 75% as well as treating his Constitution as though it was 20 and 30 points higher in order to be killed.
Mummification (requires 10th level): After learning this discovery, the alchemist must spend a day in preparation which involves doing nothing except drinking a mildly poisonous alchemical tea. At the end of this preparation, they fall unconscious for 24 hours, then awaken as a “living mummy.” The alchemist’s type does not change, but he becomes immune to cold, nonlethal damage, paralysis, and sleep and his fortification increases by 25% (to a maximum of 100%).
Promethean Disciple (requires 6th level): An alchemist with this discovery learns how to craft constructs by way of alchemical research rather than arcane magic. The alchemist gains Craft Construct as a bonus feat without needing to meet its requirements. The alchemist substitutes his number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) for his total caster level and must use Craft (alchemy) to create the construct. The DC to create the construct still increases for any necessary spells that the alchemist does not have access to. However, the alchemist can use extracts in place of spells as spell prerequisites.
Spontaneous Healing: The alchemist gains the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As a free action once per round, he can heal 5 hit points as if he had the fast healing ability. He can heal 5 hit points per day in this manner for every 2 alchemist levels he possesses. If the alchemist falls unconscious because of hit point damage and he still has healing available from this ability, the ability activates automatically each round until he is conscious again or the ability is depleted for the day.
Vestigial Limbs: The alchemist can grow up to two arms on his torso. These arms are fully under his control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing, although they can be retracted into the alchemist’s body or resummoned as a full-round action. These arms do not give the alchemist any extra attacks or actions per round, though the arms can wield a weapon and make attacks as part of the alchemist’s attack routine (using two-weapon fighting). The arms can manipulate or hold items as well as the alchemist’s original arms.
These discoveries can only be selected by an alchemist with the Mutagenic discipline. Discoveries that modify mutagens that are marked with an asterisk (*) do not stack. Only one such discovery can be applied to an individual mutagen.
Aquatic Adaptation: Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he gains a swim speed of 30 feet and can breathe underwater. In addition, he can notice other creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius underwater and can detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.
Bestial Mutagen: Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he gains the scent special quality.
*Cognatogen: Whenever the alchemist creates a mutagen, he can choose to enhance mental ability scores instead of physical ability scores. This otherwise functions identically to a normal mutagen.
Combined Mutagen (requires 8th level): Whenever the alchemist creates a mutagen, he can spend 1 point of quintessence to apply a 1st-level extract to it, imbibing both at the same time. At 12th level, he can instead apply a 2nd-level extract to it. At 16th level, he can apply a 3rd-level extract to it. At 20th level, he can apply a 4th-level extract to it.
Elastic Mutagen: Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he can spend a swift action to increase his natural reach by 5 feet until the end of his turn.
Elemental Mutagen: The alchemist chooses an element whenever he creates a mutagen. Whenever he imbibes a mutagen with this discovery applied, he gains resistance 5 to the associated energy type. For every four class levels the alchemist possesses, this resistance is increased by 5. The elements and their associated energies are air (electricity), earth (acid), fire (fire), and water (cold).
*Feral Mutagen: Whenever the alchemist creates a mutagen, he can spend 1 point of quintessence to add the effects of this discovery. Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen with this discovery applied, he gains two claw attacks and a bite attack. These are primary attacks and are made using the alchemist's full base attack bonus. The claw attacks deal 1d6 points of damage, and the bite attack deals 1d8 points of damage. While the mutagen is in effect, the alchemist gains a +2 competence bonus on Influence checks to threaten and on PSB checks to demoralize for every 3 class levels he possesses.
Leg Mutagen: Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he gains a climb speed of 15 feet.
*Ooze Mutagen: Whenever the alchemist creates a mutagen, he can spend 2 points of quintessence to add the effects of this discovery. Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen with this discovery applied, his physical form becomes soft and rubbery, like an ooze. The alchemist is treated as two sizes smaller for the purpose of squeezing through tight spaces and can convert an amount of damage equal to his Intelligence modifier taken from any source into non-lethal damage (if the alchemist is immune to non-lethal damage, this ability does not function) and gains blindsense 30 feet. In addition, he can choose to secrete acid as a free action (being able to end this effect as a free action), causing his natural weapons to deal an amount of acid damage equal to his Intelligence modifier.
Split Evolution (requires 8th level): Whenever the alchemist takes slashing or piercing damage while under the effect of an ooze mutagen, he can choose to split himself into two different halves; these two halves are perfect copies of the alchemist, splitting the alchemist’s remaining hit points between the two. The copies use the same statistics, share the same resources, and have identical equipment (except artifacts, which only one copy has). Similarly, if one of the copies expends a charge or daily use from a magic item that a copy has, it is expended from both copies. If one copy drops or gives away an item, the duplicate item disappears from the other copy as well. The two copies act independently, although they can only use a full-round action worth of actions between them. At the end of the alchemist’s next turn, he selects one of the copies, which is treated as the alchemist’s true body; the other copy dissolves into a puddle of sludge and dissipates. If one of the copies is destroyed before this happens, the remaining copy immediately becomes the alchemist, and the alchemist gains 1 permanent negative level. If both copies are destroyed simultaneously, both copies collapse into formless goo, and the alchemist can only be restored to life via resurrection or similarly powerful magic.
Tentacled Mutagen: Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he can choose to grow a single small tentacle from his body. This tentacle is a secondary natural attack which deals 1d3 points of damage.
*Winged Mutagen (requires 6th level): Whenever the alchemist creates a mutagen, he can spend 2 points of quintessence to add the effects of this discovery. Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen with this discovery applied, he grows a set of wings which grants him a 60ft fly speed with good maneuverability. If desired, the alchemist can spend 1 additional point of quintessence to grant himself two wing buffet attacks. These are secondary natural attacks which deal 1d4 points of damage.
Spined Mutagen: Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he can choose to grow a set of spines. Whenever he is attacked with a natural attack while covered in spines, the attacking creature takes damage equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier.
These discoveries can only be selected by an alchemist with the Tinker discipline.
Always Ready (Ex): The alchemist can spend 1 quintessence to create any non-magical piece of equipment with a market value of 10gp or less and a size of one cubic foot or smaller (rope, soap, oil, etc.) that remains functional for 1 hour per class level.
Chemical Insight: The alchemist unlocks special options for his inventions. In addition, whenever he creates a Cherry Bomb, he can spend 1 quintessence to increase the explosion radius to 10ft around the square it lands in.
Demolitions Insight: The alchemist's Cherry Bombs deal full damage to objects rather than half and deal an additional 3 damage per class level to unattended objects, walls, and terrain.
Electric Insight: The alchemist unlocks special options for his inventions. In addition, whenever he creates a Cherry Bomb, he can spend 1 quintessence to cause it to deal 1d8 nonlethal damage each round to a struck target for a number of rounds equal to his alchemist level. Each round the target suffers this damage, its muscles seize up causing it to be sickened and staggered. These effects can be ended early by the affected target or an adjacent creature as a standard action.
Grow Homunculus (requires 8th level): The alchemist gains a homunculus familiar, as the arcane bond wizard class feature, and can add new abilities for half the normal price and without making a Heal check. This does not allow him to have two familiars or a familiar and a bonded item.
Inventor’s Insight: The alchemist may create one extra invention with no more than 1 improvement. Alternately, he may add 1 additional improvement to one of his other inventions. This discovery may be selected multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time this discovery is taken, the alchemist may create a new invention with only 1 improvement or choose a different invention to gain a bonus improvement.
Mechanical Insight: The alchemist unlocks special options for his inventions. In addition, whenever he creates a Cherry Bomb, he can spend 1 quintessence to add a triggering mechanism. This allows the bomb to be planted in a square and be detonated either when a creature enters the square, after a set amount of time, or by the alchemist spending a swift action from anywhere within Medium range. Planted bombs remain active for up to 10 minutes per alchemist level and may be recovered early by the alchemist without detonating them.
Mechanical Mind: The alchemist gains a +2 competence bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects. This increases by +2 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. If he fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, he may reroll his saving throw as an immediate action, but is confused until the end of his next turn.
Minor Automaton: The alchemist can create a minor automaton with 10 minutes of work by spending 1 point of quintessence. This functions as unseen servant, with the following modifications. It is not invisible and is treated as a tiny object. It may be attacked and has 4 hit points. It falls apart and ceases to function if it goes more than 100 feet away from the alchemist. The alchemist may have a single minor automaton at a time, plus an additional minor automaton at 6th, 12th, and 18th level. If the alchemist creates any minor automata beyond this limit, the oldest automaton falls apart and ceases to function.
These discoveries can only be selected by an alchemist with the toxicology discipline. Discoveries that modify toxins that are marked with an asterisk (*) do not stack. Only one such discovery can be applied to an individual toxin.
Apothecary: The alchemist can use detect poison at will as a spell-like ability and gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his alchemist level on Heal checks to identify or treat poisons and to the bonus he grants when successfully treating a poison.
Bitter Pill: The alchemist becomes bitter in flavor. Any creature that hits the alchemist with a bite attack gains the sickened condition for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Constitution modifier). Any creature that swallows the alchemist whole gains the nauseated condition for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save (same DC as above). If the alchemist is trapped in the creature’s gullet and it becomes nauseated, the creature vomits him back out immediately as a free action at the start of the creature’s turn; the alchemist lands prone adjacent to the creature.
*Caracurines Toxin: When the alchemist creates a toxin, he can spend 1 point of quintessence to cause partial paralysis. A creature who fails its saving throw against the toxin has either 1 arm, 1 leg, or 1 wing paralyzed instead of becoming sickened. A creature with a paralyzed arm cannot use that arm to hold or manipulate items, or use natural attacks associated with that limb. A creature with a paralyzed leg has their base land speed reduced to 5 feet (unless it would normally be lower), cannot run, takes a -5 penalty to all athletics checks, and cannot use natural attacks associated with that limb. A creature with a paralyzed wing cannot use that wing to fly or make natural attacks associated with that limb.
*Ciguatoxin: When the alchemist creates a toxin, he can spend 1 point of quintessence and choose either Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity. A creature who fails their saving throw against the toxin takes a penalty to this ability score equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier instead of becoming sickened. At 8th level, at the beginning of that creature’s next turn, the creature must make a Fortitude saving throw. If this saving throw is unsuccessful, the creature loses that penalty and takes ability damage to that score equal to the penalty it suffered from this effect. At 14th level, if the creature fails the saving throw at the beginning of their turn, it instead takes ability drain to that ability score.
*Hemlock Toxin (requires 10th level): When the alchemist creates a toxin, he can spend 2 points of quintessence. A creature who fails its saving throw against the toxin is treated as though it had just failed a Constitution check while suffocating, reducing its hit points to 0. At the beginning of each of that creature’s turns, as long as it is under the effects of the toxin, it must make a successful saving throw; each failed saving throw is treated as a failed Constitution check, causing the creature to be reduced to -1 hit points and suffocating respectively.
Liquefying Injections (requires 6th level): The alchemist may deliver one of his toxins as a melee touch attack; this poison is treated as being a contact poison even if it normally would not be. In addition to the toxin's normal effects, targets who fail their saving throw begin to liquefy. The first time a target fails a saving throw against this poison, it takes a -5 penalty to its natural armor (minimum 0) for 24 hours. The second time a target fails a saving throw against this poison, it takes 5 points of Dexterity and Strength damage.
Psychosomatic Toxins: Whenever an alchemist creates a toxin, he can choose for it to require a successful Will saving throw instead of a successful Fortitude saving throw (this applies to all saving throws the discovery mentions). Toxins with this discovery applied to them are mind-affecting effects.
Swift Applicationt: The alchemist can apply toxin to a weapon as a swift action; if he can already do so, he can apply it as a free action once per round.
Toxic Shrapnel (requires 4th level): Whenever the alchemist is about to throw a Cherry Bomb, he can spend 1 point of quintessence as a free action to apply a toxin to it. If the bomb lands a direct hit against a creature, that creature is exposed to the toxin and forced to make a saving throw against it. All creatures who take splash damage from this bomb must also make a saving throw against it, but gain a +4 bonus to their saving throws.
Amnesia Explosion: If a creature damaged by the alchemist's bombs is rendered unconscious within 1 minute, that creature loses all memory from the last hour and cannot form new memories for 8 hours. The lost and prevented memories might return later as dreams and can be restored with a restoration spell.
Aquatic Engineer: The alchemist gains the ability to throw alchemical items underwater, including throwing from the air into the water; items which would normally deal fire damage can function underwater, creating steam instead of fire. If the item travels through water, the range increment is unaffected.
Directed Bomb: The alchemist can cause his cherry bombs to splash in a 15-foot cone instead of a 5-foot-radius burst. The alchemist chooses the direction of the cone. If the attack misses, roll an additional 1d8 to determine the direction of the blast from where the bomb lands.
Dispelling Bomb (requires 6th level): When the alchemist throws a cherry bomb, he can spend 1 point of quintessence as a free action to have it dispel magic effects instead of deal damage. Creatures that take a direct hit from a dispelling bomb are subject to a targeted dispel magic spell, using the alchemist's level as the caster level. This cannot be used to target a specific spell effect.
Rotten Bomb: When the alchemist creates a cluster of cherry bombs, he can infuse it with rotting materials. Creatures that take a direct hit from a rotten bomb are sickened for a number of rounds equal to the alchemist's Intelligence modifier unless they pass a Fortitude save.
Silent Bomb: The alchemist can choose for his cherry bombs to explode without making noise or dealing damage. In addition, whenever the alchemist throws a cherry bomb, he can spend 1 point of quintessence as a free action to have it silence (as the spell) all creatures it damages for a number of minutes equal to the alchemist's Intelligence modifier unless they pass a Will save.
Sticky Bomb (requires 10th level): The effects of the alchemist's cherry bombs are persistent and continue to damage creatures for 1 round after the initial damage. Creatures that take a direct hit from a sticky bomb take the splash damage 1 round later. Bombs that have effects that would normally occur 1 round later instead have those effects occur 2 rounds later.
Strafe Bomb: The alchemist can throw cherry bombs that splash in a 40-foot line rather than affecting a radius. The line starts at the alchemist and extends away from him in the direction he chooses. The alchemist designates one creature in the squares affected by the line to be the target of the bomb and makes his attack roll against that creature; all other squares in the line take splash damage.
Alchemical Intelligence (requires 20th level): The alchemist can concoct a miraculous alchemical reagent capable of elevating mindless organic creatures to a state of rudimentary sentience. Creating and applying the reagent requires access to an alchemical laboratory, 1 hour of work, and a willing or helpless organic or mindless subject creature (such as a flesh golem, an ooze, an organic undead, or a vermin). That creature permanently gains an Intelligence score of 1 and is no longer mindless.
Awakened Genius (requires 20th level): The alchemist’s constant exposure to strange chemicals has expanded his mind. His Intelligence score permanently increases by 4 points and he reduces the quintessence cost of class features and discoveries by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Fast Healing (requires 20th level): The alchemist’s flesh responds to damage with shocking speed - he gains fast healing 5.
Philosopher’s Stone (requires 20th level): The alchemist learns how to create a philosopher’s stone, and can do so once per month at no cost. Creating a philosopher’s stone takes 1 day of work. Creating this stone cures the alchemist of aging, and from this point forward he takes no penalty to no physical ability scores from advanced age. If the alchemist is already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time, and the alchemist can revert himself back to his appearance as a young adult. In addition, the alchemist is immune to death effects, diseases, poisons, and no longer requires food, water, or air.
Steel Skin (requires 20th level): The alchemist gains DR 10/-.